Tired of struggling to breathe? Tired of feeling fagiued? Wishing you could do the things you used to? 

You deserve 

Better Breathing

with a coach who truly understands you and can help you get your breath (and energy) back.

Welcome to the Better Breathing you've been looking for.

Hi, I'm Janice and I'm the Better Breathing Coach. It's my mission to help you breathe better and truly understand your breathing so you can be back in control of your breathing, health, energy and life. 

When you are diagnosed with a respiratory condition, it can trigger a lot of emotions, questions and feelings of despair. Whether you're diagnosed at the doctor's office or in hospital, it can be challenging when you go home and no longer have support. 

At the Better Breathing Coach, I focus on improving your breathing mechanics by providing exercises that are tailored to your capacity, having live community discussions and providing emotional support and guidance too! I endeavor to be as full service as possible and support your best health and wellbeing. 

Is it like pulmonary rehab? A little bit. 

What's the difference? Instead of teaching you how to manage or cope, I teach you what to do to improve your lung capacity (PFTs) and oxygenation. Of course there's so much more including 7 and 30 day exercise programs, workshops and ongoing support. 

My promise: I know the experience that many people with COPD and other respiratory conditions go through. I've seen the assumptions that are made. Every program and workshop I offer is to speak to you in your power and what you can do (no matter where you're at) because I know with the right coaching and approach, there is soooo much lung function that you can recover. 

Below are ways you can work with me but don't forget to check out the Upcoming Workshops.

This 6 week program is pre-recorded.

From your diaphragm to your shoulders, this will help you breathe.

Long term support and community for you and your breathing.

Options include 3, 6 and 12 months.

Low cost, long term support! A great option to keep you breathing well and feeling good. 

Find the details and register below! 

Where should I start?

If you're new to my world, I recommend you start with 6 Weeks to Better Breathing. It's the foundational program and it's 6 pre-recorded sessions. This will create the most impact on how you breathe. It is included in We Are Better Breathers or 25% off if you join Be Well. 

If you aren't sure or have questions, please email me at betterbreathingcoach@gmail.com and we can discuss which option best supports your needs. 

This program is the most life changing program I can offer. It's six pre-recorded sessions that walk you through proper breathing mechanics, how to self assess and how to correct your own breathing. 

It includes exercises that are specific to diaphgramatic strength and engagement, chest wall mobility and reducing the work of the shoulders. This is a very powerful program. It's intended to be done over six weeks but you can do it faster if you wish. 

What have clients noticed?

  • Improved oxygenation
  • More energy (walking further than before, no need to stop while vacuuming)
  • Better able to control their breathing
  • Increased walking speeds by 1.4 km/hr
  • Reduced use of rescue puffers
  • Less anxiety
  • Fewer episodes of shortness of breath
  • Better sleep
  • More confidence!
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    6 Weeks To Better Breathing

    These 6 weeks will transform your breathing and your life. This is a very targeted pulmonary rehab program for those with respiratory illness. From diaphgramatic breathing to more energy, you're going to step into a whole new level of yourself.

    99.00 USD

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    Have a great day!

    We Are Better Breathers is the long term respiratory and wellness support you've been looking for! 

    It's a community that includes 3-4 live calls per month, mulitple exercise flows per month, lots of discussion, support and healing! Every program including 7 and 30 day exercise programs tailored to those who are building respiratory strength are included. All workshops are also included. 

    This program was created because so very many people had questions, needed long term support and a place to improve their breathing long term. Most pulmonary rehab programs only run for four to eight weeks. You need more and that's what I've created. 

    This is for the person who believes that more is possible for their respriatory and overall health. You're ready for your breathing and your life to be different. 

    We Are Better Breathers includes an personal onboarding call so I can get to know you and what you need. 

    Join this community for three, six or twelve months. Pricing and links below. An confirmation email will be sent out within 48 hours (typically in less than 24 hours). 

    Payment plans are available. Please email betterbreathingcoach@gmail.com for payment plan details.

    About Janice

    Contact Me

    If you've got questions, I've got answers. Drop me a message below and I'll respond via email within 48 hours.